B.J. Hayes writes gay erotica in the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado. The release of Oral Invitation with Wild Rose Press has taken this talented author on a new journey.
And to celebrate the release, B.J. will select a lucky winner from comments left here, so make sure to leave one!

Dylan Lindstrom has always loved women and always will. At least that's what he thinks until free spirit Jackson Carter invites him back to his place for a beer. Jackson is athletic, outgoing, good-looking, loves motorcycles—a man’s man—and Dylan feels an instant connection with him. But when Jackson offers him more than a bike ride through Denver, Dylan must decide if he’s ready to accept Jackson’s oral invitation.
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B.J. I hope this book sends you to the top of the charts!
Good writing always wins.
kathi h
Thank you, Kathi :). And thank you Lizzie, for having me today!
Sounds interesting, B.J.. Best of luck with sales!
Hi B.J., congratulations on your new release! Is this the first m/m story you've written?
Hello Toni and Nona -- yes, Nona, it is my first m/m. I write m/f romance and erotica under a different name. And Nona, you're the winner of my drawing! Email me at bjhayesauthor@gmail.com for your copy of Oral Invitation.
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