Today we are fortunate to have Melisse Aires as our guest. Love the title of her book, Her Accidental Angel and the excerpt definitely caught my attention! Grab your coffee then set back and enjoy!
When I wrote Her Accidental Angel I'd been reading a ton of vampire and wolf shifter paranormals and I wanted something different. An angel seemed fun. While there is a demon and death and destruction I think of HAA as a lighter paranormal. My main characters have their flaws, but I enjoyed writing their story.
The story was somewhat of a jinx though. I contracted it twice prior to this, and both ebook publishers went out of business soon afterward. Very disappointing! I'm happy to say it did not close the doors of Aspen Mountain Press. I have a sweet cover, too!
I hope you enjoy my cover and story info. It will release on APRIL 4 from While I will be having a contest during release week(check my website in the weeks ahead for contest info, I would like to offer an ebook to one of the readers of this blog. Leave a post and I'll do a drawing!
Kari thinks a weight loss spell in an old book is worth a try. Unfortunately, while it does make her thin, the spell is a trick that unleashes a centuries old famine demon.
Fallen Guardian Angel Rahmiel once defeated the famine demon and was bound to it so he could fight it if it ever descended to the earth again. But there is the little problem of his imprisonment in ice. While the demons reappearance gets him back to Earth, what he needs to stay out of prison is a bonding ceremony with a human woman--like Kari.
Kari awoke in her candle-lit living room. The candles had burned down a little. She was lying on the couch with grandma’s afghan thrown over her. Then she remembered her wounds. She flung back the blanket and searched her abdomen for the wounds, wondering if she could make it to the phone to call 911.
“Oh my God.” She stared at her body.
Her stomach was flat. She felt for the wounds, but saw only four small scratches on her lower belly and one up higher, under her breasts. Her perky breasts. She had ribs. Slowly, she ran her hands over her body, registering their movement, that this was truly her body.
Her legs were slim and they looked longer. Her arms had no flab. She shook them extra hard to be sure.
She was thin—really thin. Size four kind of thin. She hadn’t been smaller than a size fourteen since sixth grade. A Summoning to be Thin, the spell from the old book, had worked.
Memories of the spell flooded her. She shivered, remembering the skeleton that had skewered her in her dream. It had enjoyed her pain. That had been no helpful spirit, it would have killed her. The whole incident seemed real, the blood running down her legs, the sensation of swinging through the air—she never dreamed movement and sensation like that. And there was another spirit, who had fought the skeleton…Maybe the anointing oils and herbs on the candles had made her hallucinate, because that had been unlike any nightmare she could remember. But it couldn’t have been real, because she had no wounds, nor was she covered in blood. She must have crawled to the couch and covered herself, though she couldn’t remember doing so.
If I’d known how intense the spell was going to be, I wouldn’t have done it. But somehow it worked.
When I wrote Her Accidental Angel I'd been reading a ton of vampire and wolf shifter paranormals and I wanted something different. An angel seemed fun. While there is a demon and death and destruction I think of HAA as a lighter paranormal. My main characters have their flaws, but I enjoyed writing their story.
The story was somewhat of a jinx though. I contracted it twice prior to this, and both ebook publishers went out of business soon afterward. Very disappointing! I'm happy to say it did not close the doors of Aspen Mountain Press. I have a sweet cover, too!
I hope you enjoy my cover and story info. It will release on APRIL 4 from While I will be having a contest during release week(check my website in the weeks ahead for contest info, I would like to offer an ebook to one of the readers of this blog. Leave a post and I'll do a drawing!

Kari thinks a weight loss spell in an old book is worth a try. Unfortunately, while it does make her thin, the spell is a trick that unleashes a centuries old famine demon.
Fallen Guardian Angel Rahmiel once defeated the famine demon and was bound to it so he could fight it if it ever descended to the earth again. But there is the little problem of his imprisonment in ice. While the demons reappearance gets him back to Earth, what he needs to stay out of prison is a bonding ceremony with a human woman--like Kari.
Kari awoke in her candle-lit living room. The candles had burned down a little. She was lying on the couch with grandma’s afghan thrown over her. Then she remembered her wounds. She flung back the blanket and searched her abdomen for the wounds, wondering if she could make it to the phone to call 911.
“Oh my God.” She stared at her body.
Her stomach was flat. She felt for the wounds, but saw only four small scratches on her lower belly and one up higher, under her breasts. Her perky breasts. She had ribs. Slowly, she ran her hands over her body, registering their movement, that this was truly her body.
Her legs were slim and they looked longer. Her arms had no flab. She shook them extra hard to be sure.
She was thin—really thin. Size four kind of thin. She hadn’t been smaller than a size fourteen since sixth grade. A Summoning to be Thin, the spell from the old book, had worked.
Memories of the spell flooded her. She shivered, remembering the skeleton that had skewered her in her dream. It had enjoyed her pain. That had been no helpful spirit, it would have killed her. The whole incident seemed real, the blood running down her legs, the sensation of swinging through the air—she never dreamed movement and sensation like that. And there was another spirit, who had fought the skeleton…Maybe the anointing oils and herbs on the candles had made her hallucinate, because that had been unlike any nightmare she could remember. But it couldn’t have been real, because she had no wounds, nor was she covered in blood. She must have crawled to the couch and covered herself, though she couldn’t remember doing so.
If I’d known how intense the spell was going to be, I wouldn’t have done it. But somehow it worked.
I wonder how much I weigh now? She leapt off the couch and walked to the bathroom for a weigh in.
Her foot landed on something wet and cold. Ice. What is ice doing in the hallway? There was a lot of it, big chunks scattered on the carpet leading to the bathroom.
I’m never doing magic again. Weird things happened…
The full length mirror on the outside of the bathroom door showed her reflection. Kari forgot the ice and the weirdness when she saw her new body.
“It doesn’t even look like me,” she whispered as she stepped close to the mirror. Her face was different, eyes larger, cheekbones noticeable and no double chin. Her hair seemed longer, the way it flowed over her slim shoulders. She traced her cheekbones with her finger tips and then tapped under her chin, where she used to have a roll of skin. Her neck seemed longer with pronounced collar bones. Her wrists, hands—they were different now, too. She had never been tall, but now she was delicate, with slim arms and legs, a tiny waist. Her breasts were round and high. She didn’t need underwire support anymore, light and lacy bras with thin straps would work.
Her fingers slid over her ribs, easy to find now, but she was pleased to see they were not sticking out. She wasn’t too thin. Her stomach was the best change. It was flat, with even a little muscle definition. I’ll get a belly ring right away, she thought. She’d always envied girls who had belly rings that showed when they raised their arms, and now she would be one of those girls. She turned around and craned her neck to see her backside. Her butt was round and high. She stomped to see how much she jiggled...and the bathroom door swung open.
She jumped back from the door with a screech, the memory of the dream skeleton flooding her mind.
A man stood in her bathroom doorway, so tall his hair touched the top of the door jamb. He was nude except for a towel wound around the bronze skin of his groin, leaving his sculpted chest and abs bare. He had muscle everywhere—shoulders, arms, thighs. Long, silky, golden hair fell past his shoulders in waves. Light blue eyes, tilted upward just a little, framed in long dark lashes and straight dark brows, and focused on her naked form. His jaw line was square, cheek bones high, a straight nose and full, carved pink lips.
“You did this to me?” For some reason, she did not feel at all embarrassed about being nude in front of the beautiful, strange man. Everything seemed like a dream. She ran her fingers down her slim torso, and his eyes followed the movement. “You are Kay fawn?”
“No!” His eyes widened. “Don’t say that name. He could return if you call him.”
He moved so swiftly he was a blur. Suddenly he was in front of her, and Kari found herself facing his back, from which two huge white wings grew from his shoulders, arching down to his muscular calves.
“An Angel,” she said aloud, in awe. “You’re an Angel?”
He grunted.
She reached out one hand and touched the, so silky soft. Beautiful. She ran both hands down his wings, careful not to ruffle them the wrong way. This must be another crazy dream.
He made a funny gasp and whirled around, leaving her with her hands in the air where his wings had been.
She stanched the impulse to run her hands down his sculptured chest. Barely
I can't wait to read this :)
Thanks for having me here, Lizzie. I feel like I got the cover goddess blessing for HAA! Very glad Aspen Mountain Press picked it up and hope readers enjoy it.
Thank you for sharing with us Melisse. Like Linda, I wish you many sales!!!!!!.
I do love your concept here, Melisse. And I know Accidental Angel has to be good! And what a gret cover too!
I'll do the drawing on Saturday afternoon then get the winner to Lizzie to announce here.:)
I drew and hotcha12 is the winner! Email me at melisseaires(at)!
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