HL Carpenter is here with their fabulous middle grade fantasy The SkyHorse. This entertaining novel nails life as a young girl with all the good and the awful. A excellent read for all ages.

Tovi thinks finding a flying horse is fabulous luck
- until a mysterious stranger says finders aren’t always keepers.
When fourteen year old Tovi Taggert moves to Honeysuckle
Hollow to take care of her grandmother, she has a hard time fitting in. For one
thing, she’s been tagged with the hated nickname Too-Tall Tovi. For another, everyone
at Honeysuckle Hollow High believes Tovi played the Choking Game with someone
else’s boyfriend – and made out with him besides.
As if she doesn’t have enough problems, after the latest
stand-off in the school hallway, Tovi finds a gorgeous speckled egg nestled in
a feather lined nest.
She takes the egg home – and mysterious visitors begin
appearing almost immediately. Even more worrisome, whatever is inside the egg
starts chipping its way out.When the egg hatches, revealing a winged horse, Tovi’s troubles multiply.
As she struggles to return the horse to the magical land where he belongs, Tovi must make a courageous decision – and accept what that decision will cost her.
They want me to cry.
I won’t.
I stand in the middle of Honeysuckle Hollow High’s noisy
hallway, towering over everybody.
Too-Tall Tovi, that’s me.
M.J. Maher dives in, her too-long teeth pushing out her
upper lip. “Chase told us all the details!”
Terri Benton shoves her pointy chin forward. “We thought you
wanted to be our friend, Toe-vee, but you’re no friend of ours!”
I did want to be their friend. I do want to be their friend.
Tears well in my eyes.
I will not cry. I will NOT.
I clench my jaw.
It’s all mental, Tovi. You can’t cry when you’re smiling.
Gramma’s always saying stuff like that. Sometimes what she says comes in handy.
Like now.
I force my lips into a fake smile, the only defense I have.
Almost. I can also rely on what Mom calls my smart mouth.
“You’re no friends of mine, either.” The words settle my
nerves, the smile dries my tears.
Thanks, Gramma. You were right. It is all mental.
The three of them glare at me. Jen’s hand clenches around
the strap of her black backpack, as if she’s barely keeping herself from
clawing my eyes out with her fingernails. Red splotches spread across her
skinny neck and her green eyes glitter as brightly as sunbeams off the waves in
the Gulf of Mexico. She looks like a mutant sea turtle.
Even smart-mouthed me knows better than to say so.
“Stay away from us, you…you giant. Stay away from the game
tonight. And stay away from Chase. He’s my boyfriend.” She whirls and shoves
through the crowd, her straight blond hair splashing against the back of her
shirt with every step.
“You don’t fit in here and you’re never going to.” M.J.’s
smile is eel thin. “Why don’t you go back where you came from?”
I wish I could. That doesn’t seem like the right response
M.J. jerks her head at Terri. The two of them hurry after
Jen. They stomp through the double front doors of the old school building
without looking back and disappear into the waiting bus.
I didn’t cry. I won’t cry.
A weight heavier than my book bag and as real anchors me in
place. The fake smile and false courage ebb. I tremble as I stand in the middle
of the hallway, interrupting the flow of students like a boulder in a river. A
five-foot-eleven and three-quarter-inch boulder.
Kids stream around me, bump into me, rush past me, gush out
the door to the parking lot. It’s Friday afternoon, the last day of the first
week of school. A few hours ago I was as anxious as everyone else for classes
to be over and the weekend to start.
That was before Chase Webber told Jen what happened in
Honeysuckle Hollow Park last night.
No, that’s not true. He told her his version of what
Chase has lived in Honeysuckle Hollow all his life. He’s
hot. He’s smart. He’s popular. Of course Jen would take his word over a
newcomer who arrived in town two months ago. A giant she nicknamed Too-Tall
Even so, I hoped she would listen to me. I thought she was
my friend. I thought Chase was too.
I’m a jerk.
And I’m going to have to sit in the school bus being ignored
by Jen, M.J., and Terri and surrounded by the whispers of everyone else. My
stomach sinks. Where’s the bus monitor? Mrs. Morrison, the principal, is on duty
today. She has her hands full with a group of tenth graders who are chucking
the week’s assignments into the air.
Now’s my chance.
I hurry down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. At the
end of the building, I turn left and look over my shoulder to make sure I’ve
gotten away without being spotted.
“Well, if it ain’t Too-Tall,” a familiar voice says. “Wanna
meet me in the park again tonight?”
Chase and his duo of best buds are leaning against the side
of the building, smoking cigarettes from a pack one of them probably
shoplifted. All three wear cowboy boots, jeans, and dark mirrored sunnies. They
look like a country band. They’re all beyond cool.
Six reflections of my brown eyes stare back at me in the
surface of their uptilted sunglass lenses. My hair sticks out. It never stays
in the ponytail holder.
Why am I worried about what I look like? Real friends
wouldn’t care what I look like.
I blink away the surge of wetness in my eyes and smile at
Chase. “Okay. What time?”
His thick dark eyebrows crawl into a frown. They resemble
fat, fuzzy caterpillars as they disappear beneath the metal frame of his
“Whoa, Chase, you were right about her.” Ted Eskew’s teeth
flash in the sun, bright white against last summer’s beach-party-and-volleyball
tan. He exhales a stream of smoke. “Why don’t you meet us all in the park
tonight after the game, Too-Tall?”
Ray Mead, who never has an original thought, says, “Yeah!
I’m for that!”
Ted and Ray hoot with laughter and reach out to grab me. I
dodge sideways and break into a run.
“Get her!”
Love those horse stories, ladies! Especially ones about flying horses! Best wishes for a bestseller - again! Wink.
Love the excerpt. Sounds like a great story. And what is The Choking game....?
Just the title is intriguing, let alone the total concept.
Thanks for hosting us today, Lizzie!
Thanks, Sharon, we always appreciate your support.
Susan, it's very dangerous and not a game at all, though teens say they're "playing" when they participate.
Vonnie, thanks for stopping by. Hope sales and life are going well "down under".
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