November didn't go as planned. First, the vacation didn't give the access I'd hope to blog and keep up to date on social media. Then the real fun began when we got home...within 24 hours I was sick and today is the first time in over a week that I'm not hacking my lungs out, though still tired.
All of that said, since I didn't post anything for readers to comment on...yes, there were no comments...LOL, I shall focus on December and coming up with a prize and actual blogs.
Hope all my friends here in the U.S. had a great Thanksgiving and everyone had a good November. Now let the December fun begin, but stay safe and warm.
As for my start to a new for a nap. Amazing how being sick drains a gal.
And here's a little cheer to get your month started. And no, this not, nor will it be my house! Right now the only decoration here may be the Grinch tree!
Monday - Memory Lane/Updates/Question, Wednesday - Favorite Places/Food/Dreams/Question, Friday - In the Spotlight.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Book Friday: Free Short Story
This is a short story I wrote several years ago and set aside for whatever reason. Came across it recently and as I read a book idea was born. Of course, there will be LOTS of major changes. But this may give those who don't write a glimmer into the minds of authors and how a short story, or even an idea, blossoms into a book.
Also, this little ditty has never experienced the evil red pen of an editor, so please ignore the glitches you think need changing. Raw writing, especially in fiction, isn't always perfect.
Also, this little ditty has never experienced the evil red pen of an editor, so please ignore the glitches you think need changing. Raw writing, especially in fiction, isn't always perfect.
By Lizzie T. Leaf
“Mom, you need a transition man.”
Shelia Martin looked at her daughter in
dismay. Even as a married woman
expecting her first child, Carrie could at times still amaze Shelia with what
popped out of her mouth.
“What are you talking about? Where on earth did you come up with an idea
like that?”
Carrie repositioned herself on the sofa,
placing a pillow under her very pregnant stomach.
“John and I discussed you last night.”
Uh-oh, Carrie and her husband’s discussion about
Shelia meant trouble. She mentally
prepared herself for the lecture coming.
“You’re a young
woman, Mom. Since Dad died you have no
life. Come to think of it, you didn’t
have much of one when he was alive.
Basically, you lived his life, doing what he wanted to do. He’s been gone almost two years, and when we
were talking last night, we came to the conclusion you need to start
dating. You know, someone that you don’t
really care if he calls again, but gets that first dreaded date out of the way. Helps you transition back into a social life—hence
a transition man. If he lasted awhile,
that wouldn’t be so bad either.” Shelia’s
mouth dropped. The inane suggestion came close to creating a panic attack. She inhaled deeply and willed the pounding in
her chest to slow.
“After all, you’re
only fifty-four and a little sex would be a good thing. Sheila pursed her lips and studied her for a
moment. “Though I don’t see you as one
night stand material.
“Now, we really
need to talk. Things are different in
the world for the single woman of today, Mom.
There are a lot of scary things out there, and different diseases. You have to make sure you’re safe; that the
man uses protection.”
Good grief. A sex talk from her
daughter! When had the parent-child role
Knowing her face
was as red as it felt; Shelia shook her head in wonderment. Changing the
subject, she watched Carrie once again try to find a comfortable position for
her stretched belly.
“I can’t believe my baby’s having a baby.”
“Now Mom, don’t go getting all teary eyed
again.” Carrie pushed into a sitting
position. “I’m hungry. What do you have that isn’t good for
The one sided conversation did bring Shelia
to the conclusion she needed to get a social life on some level. Her days were filled redecorating the house
as she had always dreamed of doing, or reading.
She didn’t remember
when most of their friends stopped calling.
The couples that had been their social network when Tom was alive, she
realized were really his friends. Now that
she was no longer part of a couple, the rules had changed. It definitely was time to establish new
“But how?”
This was the question Shelia mused over when she stopped by her favorite
bookstore coffee-cafe.
Looking around for an empty table she saw
only one seat. “Excuse me. If this isn’t taken may I share your table?”
The man glanced up from his book, “Help
yourself,” and returned to his reading.
Shelia assessed her table partner—definitely
over fifty, probably pushing sixty; an average, safe looking guy. What the heck, may as well go for broke.
“Nice day,” she tried to put a smile in her
“Yeah,” he grunted, not looking up.
She glanced at his book cover. “I’ve read that book. Isn’t it great?”
“That’s what I’m trying to decide.” He gave her a withering look and buried his
nose in the pages again.
So much for meeting people. She picked up one of the books from her
stack and opened it.
“Excuse me.
May I share your table?”
Shelia glanced over, realizing Mr. Friendly
had left and the chair across from her was empty.
“Sure.” She looked up into eyes so blue they would’ve
made Paul Newman green with envy. The
complete package was just as good—early fifties, tall, muscular, hair with heavy
touches of silver around the temples and a smile that took her breath away.
“My name is James Anthony. Jim to my friends.”
His deep voice was
as smooth as butter. Their eyes met and thoughts that a soon-to-be grandmother
probably shouldn’t have, danced through her head. Hello transition man, popped into her mind as
he seated himself.
“I’m Shelia Martin.” She heard herself saying as she drowned in
those glorious blue eyes.
“Great book.”
She noticed
he referred to the one she had open.
Returning his smile, they settled into a
conversation about favorite books. Suddenly
the four letter date word wasn’t so scary.
Who knows, maybe when she got home she would be able to call Carrie to
tell her she had found her transition man.
Yes, one could hope, especially when Jim asked if she’d like another cup
of coffee.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
A Deal to Enjoy!
This is a great deal...9 books for .99. And rumor has it, the price goes up on October 20th, so get it now!
TAMING THE VIKING’S DRAGON. That is all. The all-new #VikingsUnleashed box set with 9 #Erotic #Romances!
If you like your reading HOT, you need to get this!!!!
TAMING THE VIKING’S DRAGON. That is all. The all-new #VikingsUnleashed box set with 9 #Erotic #Romances!
If you like your reading HOT, you need to get this!!!!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Friday's Book
Featured this week, the latest release from USA Today Best Selling Author, Sam Cheever. Have it on my Kindle...Do you?
ISBN: 978-1-63443-418-8
Publisher: Electric Prose Publications
Publisher: Electric Prose Publications
He’s an elite vampire from a distant planet…an Alpha of the Blood.
But he’s no match for one spunky and opinionated Earth woman!
The Alphas of the Blood are an elite, alien race of vampires. They escaped a devastated planet that was overrun with plague-infected beasts and came to Earth for a chance at a new life…a new beginning. The change is bitter-sweet for Zeenon Akba, who lost much of his family in the plague wars and fears his only brother might have carried the infection to Earth with him. But when Zee stumbles upon a pretty human female being stalked by an infected, he’s determined to help her, even if it means killing his own brother. Aware of their many differences and the necessity of finding a blood slave to be his mate, Zee doesn’t intend to lose his heart to pretty and spunky Brooke Carlin. So why can’t he get her out of his mind?But he’s no match for one spunky and opinionated Earth woman!
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Ropin Romance Naughty but Nice Winners and #New Contest Announcement
I spent a fun time at the Ropin' Romance Naughty but Nice, Facebook event yesterday and thanks to all who responded to my questions. I said I would announce the Winners here this morning so here we go!
Respond and
be entered into a drawing for several swag items…a Lizzie T. Leaf sticky note
pad, a 2015 calendar, pen/highlighter and an eBook copy of DEAD Awake. Winner
to be announced on my blog tomorrow by 10 a.m. CST.
Question #1: Now that
George Clooney if of the market, which bachelor do you think will replace him
as a TOP HUNK?
responses will be entered into a drawing for the gifting of a copy of Nordic
Heat from Amazon Kindle. Winner to be announced on my blog tomorrow by 10 a.m.
Winner is: Suzanne M.
Question #2: Of the new
television shows that have debut so far for this fall, what is your favorite?
Winner is: Carol C.
I only used initials for you last names but you know who you are from yesterday's event. Congratulations and message me on FB to give me the information I need to get you your prize.
Also, for the month of October, anyone who responds to one of my blog posts here (an actual blog by me, not a guest or a featured book post) will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift certificate.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Memories of #WhyIStayed and #WhyILeft
Did you watch Meredith Vieira last Monday when she
talked about an abusive relationship in her younger years? A woman this well
know stepping up to share #WhyIStayed and #WhyILeft puts more focus on an issue
that has long been in the closet needs to come out. Her sharing also brought
back memories of my experience.
I married young the first time, and went from my
parents’ rules to those of my new husband. At first the ‘do this’ and ‘do that’
wasn’t’ too bad. I’d been used to a lot more rigged demands. After all, he was
military and was used to things being done a certain way. So what if he
discovered an example of my first attempts at writing a book and laughed. All
that meant was I sucked. The manuscript ended up in the trash and the love of
writing became more focused on reading books by those who could tell a story.
Several years and two children later things were
rocky. The first time he hit me was while stopped for a traffic light he
yelled, “shut the f***” up.” I’d heard those words before, but not the slap
that followed. Shocked, I huddled against my door and worked to stop the blood
flowing from my nose.
The next morning my neighbor and best friend called
and told me to come over for coffee. I hesitated, but put extra makeup on the
bruised side of my face and forced a smile when I entered her house. She looked at me and asked, "What the hell happened to you?”
My efforts to cover up the bruising hadn’t worked. I
broke down and told her what happened. She encouraged me to leave, but where
would I go? My family couldn’t afford to support us and my job skills were
‘homemaker’ and according to my husband, not a very good one. “He apologized
and promised not to hit me again,” I told her. (He had apologized and promised never again.)
He kept the promise too, until a few weeks later when he came home
late and drunk. His cold dinner didn’t set well and that led to an argument…and
another slap.
This time I wasn’t stunned and stood my ground. I
picked up the cast iron skillet setting on top of the stove and waved it at
him. “You ever lay another hand on me and you’ll regret it.”
His response—laughter and pointing out he could take
the skillet since he was bigger and stronger.
“Yes, but you have to sleep at some point.” Maybe it
was the implied threat, or he saw the determination in my eyes and knew I meant
what I said, but he turned and went to bed.
No, he never hit me physically again, but he did
continue the hurtful comments. They eventually included the kids. Foolish ME
still worked to save the marriage for the sake of the children. Then one day
after he had a nastier than usual tirade, my little girl burst into tears and
screamed at me, “Why do you make us live like this?” I knew then we had to get
out. At that time we lived in a foreign country, but with the transfer back to
the states we ended up close to the city where my best friend lived, and thankfully,
I knew people in the community who helped in my job search.
Fortunately, I did get a job even without a college
degree, and we got by. And yes, I’m glad I left. In fact, I wish I’d left
sooner. I did manage to get counseling for myself and the children. We made it
through to a bright life.
That was a lot of years ago and I remarried. That
one ended in my husband passing, but he never raised a hand to me.
The children from my first marriage are now adults
and have families of their own. Watching them interact with their spouses makes
me proud. They disagree at times, but there is give and take, just like I have
in my third marriage. As my daughter said at our reception, “Mom, I think you
got it right this time.”
Have you been in an abusive relationship, or know others
who have? How did you, or they get out? If not, reach out to a
women’s center in your area. Don’t stay because he promises to change even
though you love him. Unless he is willing to seek help, change isn’t going to
happen.And if you can't find the information you need, check this list of organizations that can direct you to someone.
#WhyIStayed #WhyILeft #FindHelp
Monday, September 8, 2014
A View to a Kill and Shoes
My husband is a big James Bond fan, so last night when
asked me to watch A View to a Kill with him…AGAIN, I did. Having seen this one
(and the other Bond movies numerous times) there wasn’t a huge need to focus on
the plot. This led to me focusing on other things like Tanya Roberts, the Bond
Girl’s, shoes.
I become fixated with how those shoes stayed on
while she dangled in an elevator shaft, ran through a mine, climbed up and down
scaffolding; even when she was picked up and pulled into the Zorn blimp.
Now we aren’t talking about sneakers or even a pair
of flats. NO! Try stilettoes. Yep, the chick wears a pair of pencil thin heels
that added at least four or five inches to her height. Still, no matter how
tuff the going got, those bloody shoes never fell off.
Glue? Double-sided tape? Or were they so small and
tight the wardrobe department had to use a wedge to get them on her feet? And
how did they get her out of them for the shower scene with JB at the end…or did
Those questions led me to thinking about other
movies where realistic isn’t part of the plot, and yes, most of the Bond films
fall into that category, especially the earlier ones. Come to think of it, so
do a lot of films in the 50’s, 60’s and beyond.
So, today’s question: What films come to mind that little things,
like shoes, grab your attention and you become fixated on?
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
A Favorite Walking Tour
The May trip was great, but one of my favorite 'to do' in London was a Jack the Ripper walking tour. Here's a picture in an alley as evening descends and the street lights start coming on. Enough to give a bit of a shiver when your mind wanders to the subject matter...murder!
What is one of your tours?
Monday, September 1, 2014
Kindness Beats Bullying
Did you watch the Emmy's last Monday? If so, you probably saw Aaron Paul's shout out to his wife and her Kindness campaign. A lot of people did. In fact, so many saw it and went over to take a look they crashed the site.
I have check it out, though not that night, and signed up. Kindness is something this world can use in SPADES!
But this has taken me down memory lane. When I was in school, what is now called bullying was referred to as teasing. And no, we weren't writing on stone back then. Things had advanced to paper, but I digress.
My family wasn't rich. In fact, that's an understatement. They were downright poor. My idea of a pretty dress was going to the feed store with my uncle when he bought sacks of feed for the farm animals and picking out one or two that would be used by my aunt to make me a new dress.
When I started school guess what I wore. Yes, there were a few other children in the same styles, but we were the ones teased. In my case, I had a funny last name. My maiden name was foreign in the area of the south where I grew up. Add in the funny clothes, crooked teeth, and height that had me taller than my classmates, there were lots of taunts thrown my way. Is it any surprise I loved homework because it took me out of the classroom to my room where I didn't have to listen to the whispers or loud jeers about my looks or clothing?
But I learned through the years to stand up for myself and FOR OTHERS!
I have check it out, though not that night, and signed up. Kindness is something this world can use in SPADES!
But this has taken me down memory lane. When I was in school, what is now called bullying was referred to as teasing. And no, we weren't writing on stone back then. Things had advanced to paper, but I digress.
My family wasn't rich. In fact, that's an understatement. They were downright poor. My idea of a pretty dress was going to the feed store with my uncle when he bought sacks of feed for the farm animals and picking out one or two that would be used by my aunt to make me a new dress.
When I started school guess what I wore. Yes, there were a few other children in the same styles, but we were the ones teased. In my case, I had a funny last name. My maiden name was foreign in the area of the south where I grew up. Add in the funny clothes, crooked teeth, and height that had me taller than my classmates, there were lots of taunts thrown my way. Is it any surprise I loved homework because it took me out of the classroom to my room where I didn't have to listen to the whispers or loud jeers about my looks or clothing?
But I learned through the years to stand up for myself and FOR OTHERS!
My question for you: Have you been bullied either in school or at the work place?
Also check out the Kind campaign website:
#kindness #bullying #memories
Also check out the Kind campaign website:
#kindness #bullying #memories
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Authors After Dark - FEATURED AUTHOR...ME!
I'll be there...Will you?
August 6-10th 2014 • The Westin, Charlotte NC
Friday, May 2, 2014
A Mother's Day Contest From Musa Publishing!!!!
Mom with Musa Publishing
Celebrate Mom with Musa
Musa Gift Certificate
Paperback Books
the Third Garden by I.J. Sarfeh
by William Wendy
Kate by Emilia Mancini
Off For A Snitch by KM Rockwood
Day by Gary K. Wolf
You by Marci Boudreaux
1st Place
Musa Gift Certificate
Paperback Books
The Andersen Ancestry by Addie J. King
His Love by Nya Rayne
by William Wendy
Kate by Emilia Mancini
Off For A Snitch by KM Rockwood
Day by Gary K. Wolf
2nd Place
Paperback Books
by William Wendy
Seducing Kate by Emilia Mancini
Off For A Snitch by KM Rockwood
Day by Gary K. Wolf
Mage by CD Coffelt
new winners are drawn daily. Each one will receive 3 books.
participants receive a download of Cooking with Musa.
entrants are eligible for Grand Prize Drawing May 10,
announced May 11, 2014
daily to win!
particular order to the daily drawings for the books below
by Richard Satterlie
Return by June Kramin
Biker by KM Rockwood
to Win by Kirsten Janey
in Wait by Donna Del Oro
Tomasewski by Del Staecker
Survival by Ray Wenck
Wade by Robert G. Rogers

of Tomasewski by Del Staecker
Horton, Lost Witch of Salem by Vera Jane Cook
The Rising by Joanne Hirase
Greta by David Hardy
Dominus Runes by Peter Lukes
Grimm Legacy by Addie J. King
by Joanna Fay
Giveaway begins May 1, 2014 and ends midnight CST May 10, 2014
Friday, April 25, 2014
New Author - First Novel "Chasing Athens"
I really enjoyed Marissa Tejada's first book. The character, Ava, had me laughing in the opening chapter. Her encounter over not getting her ticket validated sounds like something I would do in one of my rush about madly moments. To be hauled off to the police station in a foreign country only adds to Ava's misery, but the way Miss Tejada describes the situation I could only laugh. A book that combines humor with the pain of self-growth.
Author: Marissa Tejada
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Suddenly dumped, a heartbroken American ex-pat stays on in Greece, confronting culture shock, crisis, and the charm of Mediterranean men as she redefines the true meaning of home.
When Ava Martin’s new husband unexpectedly ditches her months after they’ve relocated across the world to Greece, the heartbroken American ex-pat isn’t sure where home is anymore. On the verge of flying back to the States with her tail between her legs, she makes an abrupt decision to follow her gut instead and stay on in Greece. She soon discovers that the tumultuous, culture-rich Mediterranean country is coloring her life in a way no place else can, changing her forever. But is it where she belongs?
Ava’s newfound independence throws her into the thick of Athenian reality, where she has brushes with violent police riots and gets a taste of both the alluring islands and the city nightlife. Despite pressure from her mother, uncertainty over her impending divorce, and unresolved issues with her long-estranged father weighing on her, she’s determined to make it on her own. With the help of two very colorful Greek friends, she laughs and learns while facing culture shock, language barriers and the charm of Mediterranean men, until a life-threatening medical emergency back home in sleepy Ithaca, N.Y., forces her to decide where she truly belongs – and what truly matters.
- See more at:
Author: Marissa Tejada
Publisher: Musa Publishing
Suddenly dumped, a heartbroken American ex-pat stays on in Greece, confronting culture shock, crisis, and the charm of Mediterranean men as she redefines the true meaning of home.
When Ava Martin’s new husband unexpectedly ditches her months after they’ve relocated across the world to Greece, the heartbroken American ex-pat isn’t sure where home is anymore. On the verge of flying back to the States with her tail between her legs, she makes an abrupt decision to follow her gut instead and stay on in Greece. She soon discovers that the tumultuous, culture-rich Mediterranean country is coloring her life in a way no place else can, changing her forever. But is it where she belongs?
Ava’s newfound independence throws her into the thick of Athenian reality, where she has brushes with violent police riots and gets a taste of both the alluring islands and the city nightlife. Despite pressure from her mother, uncertainty over her impending divorce, and unresolved issues with her long-estranged father weighing on her, she’s determined to make it on her own. With the help of two very colorful Greek friends, she laughs and learns while facing culture shock, language barriers and the charm of Mediterranean men, until a life-threatening medical emergency back home in sleepy Ithaca, N.Y., forces her to decide where she truly belongs – and what truly matters.
- See more at:
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Some Naughty Wenches are Partying at Coffeetime's Mocha Milieu on the 17th!
whole lot of naughty Wenches
The Where!
Mocha Milieu on Facebook
17th, from 10-2:00 EST
authors, Lizzie T. Leaf, Sam Cheever, Sloane Taylor, Sara Daniel and Emilia
Mancini for a few hours of fun and get entered into a drawing for all the
Monday, April 14, 2014
Three at Once! I Must Be Nuts!
![]() |
Where I think I can be! |
1. My first Mystery and collaboration. Hey if you're going to jump in to new waters, do it with both feet. And why make it a simple mystery set in a location you or the other author live? We wouldn't want to do anything sane would we? So this book is set in a foreign country which means reaching the laws. Now that will keep you with dents in the forehead from the old *head/desk* routine.
2. When the headache gets too bad from banging on desk with the Mystery, move on to the Women's Fiction. Get things really rolling with the POV of three women of various ages. How complicated can that be...right? So what if they wake you up at 3:00 freakin' A.M. (like this morning) with ideas on what you need to go back and rewrite so their new suggestions will work better!
3. And when the other 2 books have you close to crazy, cross over into insanity...go with a Young Adult. All the angst of this character can actually be therapeutic in an odd sort of way. Once it's done, the Teens have promised to read and give their input. That's enough to make a grandmother cringe.
So there you have fun life these days.
What fun do you have in your life?
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And then reality hits! |
Friday, April 11, 2014
Kathy Cagney Rossi Shares How We Can Flash & Still be Sexy!
This book made me laugh as well as giving me new
insights into menopause. Ladies, we all get to travel down the road of The
Change, so may as well have some fun with the experience and look good too!
Loved her fashion advice: "If you don't love it, don't wear it." That statement can apply to any age!

Amazon buy links:
Kathy’s blog:
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Dream Trips
Monday, April 7, 2014
Hot Flash Fun and Lip Ripping!
The fun started in my early forties. Mood swings,
depression, sleeplessness, exhaustion and the ever fun…hot flashes. Yes, said the doctor, you are in perimenopause.
Like a good girl, I did my research. Read everything I could find on the
delightful period of life I’d just entered.
Some of the symptoms had started to let up…except the hot flashes which
by now included night sweats. But, l could get through this with the aide of
No—wait. Drugs aren’t good for you. Being on the pill too
long can cause cancer. Okay, then homeopathic
is the way to go. And I did.
Soy. Nope, still flashing. Wild Yam cream, slathered my body
in it. Did nothing. Black cohosh, red clover, dong quai…you get the
picture. Tried and gave up on those and
a lot of other things. Full blown
menopause would take care of the issues.
So, I waited—and am still waiting. Leaning to live with the hot flashes, I
adapted. Cool temperatures at night, fanning during the day. Recently, I
discovered another way, a cold gel pack from the freezer under my pillow helps
keep then down, and if one hits, I move my pillow up enjoy the refreshing coldness
unit it.
Have you entered the peri or post menopause stage of life? How do think it affects your interaction with others?
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The Wenching Emilia Mancini!
This weeks Wench is the sizzling, Emilia Mancini! Thanks for stopping by Emilia and spicing things up. Boomers are well aware spice isn't always something tossed into the pot to season the food. We know what you dish up seasons our lives in the bedroom!
It took Kyle one look to realize he wanted to seduce his
best friend’s mother. And one kiss to realize he didn't have to.
As I sat reading the galley for Seducing
Kate, I realized what an incredible labor of love this book had been.
If you’ve ever raised children, you can relate to the publishing process.
The pregnancy—the creating a new being, the hopes and dreams
of what this being will eventually grow up to be, then finally, you start
pushing thing out of you. Painful as it may be, there’s just no stopping it.
You. Just. Have. To. Push.
Once it’s out, it’s not the most attractive thing, but you
love it all the same.
Then it starts growing up and you realize that, much as you
love it, your baby isn’t perfect. It’s colicky, cranky, and sometimes it takes
a dump on you. You and your parental partner, your editor, go to task to mold
this thing into a respectable fully-grown manuscript.
It hurts you, it breaks your heart, but at the same time,
you swell with pride as you get ready to release it upon the world.
Seducing Kate was like this. The pushing
out process was fairly easy. Kate and Kyle had a solid story and they were
ready to share it with the world. It was the growing (editing) part that nearly
killed me. Luckily, I have an incredibly patient editor who can see through all
my personal writing ticks to the beauty that lies beneath.
She saw through my repetitive wording and my filtering and
all those other bad author things I do. She saw through all the bullshit I pile
on, scraped it away, polished this up, and made it shine.
I am so excited and so proud to be sending this respectable
and fully-grown manuscript out into the world. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears
went into this one, and those disgusting bodily fluids weren’t just mine.
Jeanne De Vita did a fantastic job helping me raise this
little bugger.
I feel like a proud mama and I can’t wait for you to meet my
It was lust at first sight for Kyle when he met his roommate
Justin’s mother Kate. Kyle, a college transfer, was too far from home to visit
on short school breaks, so Justin took him to Minneapolis where his mother was
serving up a family meal for Thanksgiving.
One look left Kyle with a healthy obsession for Kate which
grew with each visit. When he landed an internship in Minneapolis, he moved in
with Kate for the summer, and got in touch with his voyeuristic side. It wasn’t
until one late evening and a few too many glasses of wine that Kyle began to
suspect his attraction wasn’t one-sided.
When he dared to push the issue, he found Kate more than
willing to succumb to his seduction.
To read an excerpt from Seducing Kate,
please click HERE.
Today's Wench is the sizzling Emilia Mancini. Thanks for stopping by to spice things up for us, Emilia. Boomers do know that spice isn't always something up put in the pot to flavor the food!
Emilia Mancini is the naughtier side to
author Marci Boudreaux. Emilia stays hidden in the shadows
like a nefarious side kick, slipping out only when the stories Marci wants to
share are a little too grown up to be called
sweet romance.
Seducing Kate is Emilia’s second release
and, at least for the moment, her crowning glory.
Be sure to check out the Pinterest board for Seducing
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Travel Wednesday - Beast Arrangements Made!
Yes, I'm doing it again this summer...TRAVELING! Reality is, if we had the budget we'd be traveling a lot more than now. But, that's not the case so have to plan events and with the budget planning also comes the Beast planning. The question becomes, who is going to move in for 2 or 3 weeks and take care of BEAST, as well as housesit?
Thought this year would be a local friend who would be in-between packing up her current adobe, hanging here a few weeks, and then making the move out of state. Guess what? Things changed...she got a job offer and is moving earlier than planned, and to a different state than she originally thought too.
So where does that leave us and Beast? Why with his favorite human...BIL. Yep, had to turn to the brother-in-law again this year. Last summer went so well (not) that when he walks through the door the day before we leave, I'm sure cat will let us know how unhappy he is over the houseguest. Tough! The way I see it, when he starts paying for all that cat food, kitty litter, toys, etc., plus cleaning the litter pan and dishing out the demand food in his dish, the four-legged creature can complain.
Don't get me wrong here. BIL does not abuse him, he just doesn't cater to his every desire. Seems I forgot the minor detail (okay, major in the cat's world) of telling brother-in-law that laundry is essential in this household. Not so much for clean clothes the humans wear, but for the warm ones that come out of the dryer. Those
need to be piled on the bed so you-know-who can curl up in the middle of them for a nap. Nope, BIL couldn't understand why said cat kept howling in front of the laundry room until he got chased away. Totally, my bad. Especially since internet on last year's cruise wasn't the world's best and he couldn't reach to ask what's the deal. Actually, it sucked.
Then add in BIL's reluctance to feed the Beast tastes of what he was having. That one he can blame on his brother who takes delight in seeing what a cat will eat. Nor is BIL into cat toss and fetch the his brother is.
But, all the unhappiness of not having his every whelm met makes our adorable cat happy to see us after we return.
Oh, and another thing...there will be a contest centered around this summer's fun!!! Stay tuned for details!!!
Thought this year would be a local friend who would be in-between packing up her current adobe, hanging here a few weeks, and then making the move out of state. Guess what? Things changed...she got a job offer and is moving earlier than planned, and to a different state than she originally thought too.
So where does that leave us and Beast? Why with his favorite human...BIL. Yep, had to turn to the brother-in-law again this year. Last summer went so well (not) that when he walks through the door the day before we leave, I'm sure cat will let us know how unhappy he is over the houseguest. Tough! The way I see it, when he starts paying for all that cat food, kitty litter, toys, etc., plus cleaning the litter pan and dishing out the demand food in his dish, the four-legged creature can complain.
Don't get me wrong here. BIL does not abuse him, he just doesn't cater to his every desire. Seems I forgot the minor detail (okay, major in the cat's world) of telling brother-in-law that laundry is essential in this household. Not so much for clean clothes the humans wear, but for the warm ones that come out of the dryer. Those
Excuse me, napping here! |
Then add in BIL's reluctance to feed the Beast tastes of what he was having. That one he can blame on his brother who takes delight in seeing what a cat will eat. Nor is BIL into cat toss and fetch the his brother is.
But, all the unhappiness of not having his every whelm met makes our adorable cat happy to see us after we return.
Oh, and another thing...there will be a contest centered around this summer's fun!!! Stay tuned for details!!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Commericals I HATE!
We are slammed with commercials. In fact, the cable channels are even worse than regular programming since there's last FOREVER, or at least it feels that way when you are wanting to get back to your show. But, that irritation aside, the ones I hate the most at the moment are these two.
1. Political ads. Hello, we aren't in the middle of elections and I don't need to see some blonde chick proclaiming how much she hates POLITICAL ADS then goes on to make a political ad! If you hate them so much, Darlink, why the hell are you doing the ad? Oh yeah, that's're actress getting paid to read lines!
2. At the Beach! This was almost #1 until the political crap started, and is still a strong contender. If I were into tanning salons, guess where I wouldn't go!
But in thinking about it, maybe I'm missing a lot of bad commercials with my habit of tuning them out these days. So help me out! What commercial do you hate the most?
1. Political ads. Hello, we aren't in the middle of elections and I don't need to see some blonde chick proclaiming how much she hates POLITICAL ADS then goes on to make a political ad! If you hate them so much, Darlink, why the hell are you doing the ad? Oh yeah, that's're actress getting paid to read lines!
2. At the Beach! This was almost #1 until the political crap started, and is still a strong contender. If I were into tanning salons, guess where I wouldn't go!
![]() |
Not to worry, Donna. Won't buy, won't wear!!!! |
But in thinking about it, maybe I'm missing a lot of bad commercials with my habit of tuning them out these days. So help me out! What commercial do you hate the most?
Friday, March 21, 2014
Friday's Book - Summer's Growth by Tina Gayle
I've recently discovered Tina Gayle and was hooked by the opening of Summer's Growth so now have it on my Kindle and reading. Like what I've read so far! Tina has a lot of books out and you can look through them easier on her site than on Amazon, where of course there are books listed in with hers that aren't hers.
Plus, on the website you can read the first chapter of all her books.
Summer's Growth
by Tina Gale
In the spirit-haunted Winston estate in Ohio, rooted in time and occupied by the lingering ghosts of a great family, the torch is about to pass...
Mattie Winston, sober, sensible, and steady, has served as Keeper to the family for decades. Amber Harrison, hovering on the edge of flunking out of college, unsure what she wants out of life, has barely even heard of the Winston estate. The family, however, has decided that it's time for the changing of the guard. These two exceptional women soon find themselves dealing with violence, murder attempts, and old family mysteries while each finding the love of her life. Two romances and a growing friendship, all twined around a brooding family tragedy, make for an outstanding paranormal offering depth and charm beyond the commonplace. The growing love of Amber and Carter and of Mattie and Quincy offer readers a tender and engaging first novel in a winning new paranormal series.
Tina Gayle:
Tina has buy links for all her books on the books page
Plus, on the website you can read the first chapter of all her books.
Summer's Growth

In the spirit-haunted Winston estate in Ohio, rooted in time and occupied by the lingering ghosts of a great family, the torch is about to pass...
Mattie Winston, sober, sensible, and steady, has served as Keeper to the family for decades. Amber Harrison, hovering on the edge of flunking out of college, unsure what she wants out of life, has barely even heard of the Winston estate. The family, however, has decided that it's time for the changing of the guard. These two exceptional women soon find themselves dealing with violence, murder attempts, and old family mysteries while each finding the love of her life. Two romances and a growing friendship, all twined around a brooding family tragedy, make for an outstanding paranormal offering depth and charm beyond the commonplace. The growing love of Amber and Carter and of Mattie and Quincy offer readers a tender and engaging first novel in a winning new paranormal series.
Tina Gayle:
Tina has buy links for all her books on the books page
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wench of Romance - Sara Daniel
That Wench, Sara Daniel discusses her love of romance today.
Why I Love Reading and Writing Romance
1. The Love Story: Obviously, right? I love to read about two
people who care about each other so much that they’ll fight for each other. I
love that they believe in each other more than anyone ever has before or will
again. There is something so satisfying, so heartwarming to watch two
characters fall in love, usually against their will, and rise above all the conflict
to live out that love they deserve.
2. The Emotions: No other genre does the roller coaster of
emotions like romance. One minute I’m laughing at a particularly witty line of
dialogue, and the next I’m sobbing as the hero or heroine takes a figurative
(and occasionally literal) punch to the gut. Does your life feel stale and
blah? For the hours that you’re reading a romance, you’re living the gentleness
of the hero caressing your cheek, the frustration of that one person who always
has to make life difficult, the thrill of finally giving said person their
comeuppance, the sweetness of a first kiss, the stark terror of falling for the
person who could cause you to lose everything, and absolute joy of spending
forever with the love of your life.
3. The Happily Ever After: Of course, we all know how a romance novel
ends. The hero and heroine get together and live happily ever after. Some
people scoff at this guarantee, but it is my number one reason why I will
always read and write romance novels. Every day you can pick up the newspaper
and read about a life that ends in tragedy. In our own lives and in the lives
of our friends and neighbors, there are problems that we can’t wave a wand and
make everything magically turn out okay. Who needs to read about more pain,
suffering and general cynicism? Definitely not me. Instead, sit down for a
couple hours and escape to a romance. Vicariously conquer every roadblock
thrown at you. Best of all, no one can take away your happily ever after when you
reach the end.
See what I mean with this short intro to one of my favorite
Nicole trusted Wyatt with her heart once. She won’t
make the same mistake twice.
Nicole DeMonde’s car breaks down the moment she returns to
her hometown for her brother’s wedding. The cop who stops to help her is none
other than local hottie Wyatt Truman, who slept with her then dumped her when
they were teens. She has no choice but to accept his help. However, she knows
better than to trust him with her heart twice.
Wyatt is determined to earn Nicole’s forgiveness and make
amends for his callous past. Once he lays eyes on her, he can’t help wanting a
lot more than forgiveness, despite his intention never to hurt her again.
Just as Wyatt starts thinking his best intentions are of the
forever variety, Nicole decides to work Wyatt out of her system with a one
night stand. Can either of them make peace with the past in a single weekend,
let alone survive with their hearts intact?
To read an excerpt from Wyatt's Guilt,
please click HERE.
Sara Daniel writes what she
loves—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. She
lives her own happily-ever-after romance with her hero husband.
Learn more about Sara on her website
and blog.
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and Pinterest.
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