Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday Musing - Movie Tickets for $50 or More?

Nose to the grindstone the past few weeks and haven't blogged.  But, back in the saddle and if all goes well I'll keep to the schedule.  And there are a few changes coming toward the end of summer, but I'll save those for another day.  Today we turn to movies.

I saw and interesting interview with Steven Spielberg and George Lucas over the weekend on the future of movie tickets taking a major price increase in the future because of the expense in making these blockbuster productions.   This made me wonder about the average movie-goer thoughts on tickets taking jumps into the hundreds.

As luck would have it, we don't have to wait long.  Turns out the new World War Z is having a special showing with tickets going for an out of my budget range for a movie. 

World War Z, the new Brad Pitt movie has Paramount Pictures and Regal Cinemas betting true Pitt and zombie fans will shell out plenty for tickets…as in fifty dollars a ticket for an early showing.  In addition to the honor of an earlier viewing, for that paltry sum you will receive a pair of special collectable custom 3D glasses since the movie is in 3D.  You also get a full-size copy of a limited edition "World War Z" poster and  when the movie goes to home video a HD digital download of the film.  WOW!

Now I don’t know about you, but I haven’t met a movie I’d pay fifty dollars to go see.  Maybe if the actor was one of my obsessions and I could sit on his lap to watch the film I'd think about it.
Sorry Paramount, but if this is the sort of prices you’re looking to collect for the mega movies, then you may be in for a surprise…as in a lot of people won’t go.  Sure, there will be those who do, but hopefully they have the disposable income and that ticket isn't putting a strain on their budget.  The fact is though, your average movie goer does not have that budget, in fact, some work to scrape together the money for a ticket at current prices.  But hey, that's not your problem.  Yours will occur when the blockbuster fails because of the expensive tickets.

So Hollywood, push those ticket increases.  Continue to pay millions to the actors and work to create those expensive ways to make movies.  And let’s hope you stay in business selling fewer tickets at expensive prices. 

Question for readers:  If the normal price for a movie ticket becomes $50 or more, will you pay it?  If so, how often?


Patricia said...

ABSOLUTELY NOT, Lizzie. My son often goes to Cheap Movie Nights on Sundays and Tuesdays when the biggee movies are only FIVE DOLLARS, so I know that teens often attend these showings. He would never pay fifty bucks. I don't go to the movies often with my husband or my daughter because it costs twenty or so just to get in then if anyone wants anything to eat or drink you have to add on to that and it's like fifteen dollars for a bucket of popcorn. Many people like me will wait until it comes out on our DVR's at home and pay $6.99 for it soon after it's been in the theater.

Sam Cheever said...

Not a chance! I'll wait until it's on DVD. #:0)

Vonnie said...

Never would pay that. It's $12 where I live and if it climbs to $18 or so, I'm outta here. That's what dvds are for. Perhaps if they paid less to those so-called stars, they could save a few millions.

Leigh Daley/Arley Cole/me said...

We got a gigantic 3D tv so we could have the big screen experience at our house. I wait for EVERYTHING to come out on video so I can watch it like I want --- usually in my pjs!

Sharon Ledwith said...

No freaking way would I pay $50 for a movie! I'd rather read the book for under $10! And you wonder why pirating movies is popular...

Unknown said...

It's close to $12 by us too, Vonnie. We like to go before noon for $6 each. Still pricey for a family of five but better than full price.

Anonymous said...

It has to be a great film to entice me to pay the big screen prices. I'm also one of those grumps who don't like having to endure the 'eaters' who chomp their way through the film constantly rustling their wrappers.
Nice blog Lizzie.

Sloane Taylor said...


Anne said...

The matinees by us are now $6 and I have to really think before I'll pay that much. $50 NEVER.