I am delighted to have Kate Douglas join us today. I met Kate at a Romantic Times convention several years ago and though a lot higher on the author scale than yours truly at the time (or even now), she made me feel at home and included me in several discussions. She's an awesome nice lady and FUN! Love her work and love the woman...her attitude inspires me.
So, without any more yammering from me...here's Kate Douglas. And be sure to watch the trailer at the end of her excerpt. Really cool!

First of all, thanks to Lizzie for the chance to commandeer her blog today! I love guest blogging because it gives me the chance to bug an entirely new group of readers—and yes, in the back of my mind is this little voice whispering “fresh meat....fresh meat...fresh...”
Okay...yeah, sorry! I am losing it. My only excuse is, it’s been a really weird summer, starting with a redeye to NY for BEA shortly after getting home from the Romantic Times conference in Ohio—NY was two days of non-stop book stuff and then a flight home to California at 0-dark-hundred. Then it was back to work on StarFire, the third novel in my DemonSlayers series so I could finish it and start work on Wolf Tales 12, the final book in that series.
And trust me, folks...that was not an easy book to write. My editor generously offered to let me bump it up from 90,000 words to around 115,000, which meant I could expand my original premise for the book, but that’s a lot of book, and with all the new babies to keep track of (face it...that much sex, you’re GONNA get babies!) I had a whopping humongous-size pack of Chanku. And there was a totally unexpected NEW character who popped in which just isn’t supposed to happen when you’re trying to wind up a long series and put an end to things...but I finally finished it over the weekend (and believe me, writing that final scene between Anton and Keisha was NOT easy) and sent it off to my beta readers. If all goes according to plan, it will go in the mail to my editor this week, only about two weeks overdue. (I’m hoping she doesn’t notice how late it is.)
Anyway, between three trips that are more work than they sound like because I live so frickin’ far from the airport that travel TO the airport is shorter than the trip in the air, writing two books (and a novella I forgot to mention that’s a charitable donation for an anthology that Lori Foster organizes every year to raise money for some excellent causes) and putting together proposals for two new series, I’m sorta losing it altogether.
And then, I had an “oh, CRAP” moment when I realized I’ve got two books coming out a week apart—HellFire, the second book in my DemonSlayers series, releases on August 31, and Nocturnal, an anthology I’m in with Jacquelyn Frank, comes out on September 7. My story in the anthology is Crystal Dreams, which is part of the DemonSlayers series, and it’s good. I mean, I really love the way it came out—it was one of those wonderful stories that just popped into my head and practically wrote itself. Wish more of them did that!
But that’s not what I’m blogging about—what I really want to tell you about is HellFire. If you read the first book in the series, DemonFire, you’ll know that the premise of the series is that demons are invading Earth, coming in through the vortex at Mt Shasta in northern California. In the first book, Eddy Marks ends up helping Dax the ex-demon fight demonkind. They enlist the help of Eddy’s dog Bumper, a pit bull/poodle mix, Willow, a tiny little sprite, and Alton the Lemurian, a man from the legendary world of Lemuria that’s believed to exist inside Mt. Shasta. A sort of “innocent bystander” is Eddy’s friend Ginny Jones. Ginny was one of those secondary characters who wouldn’t stay out of the limelight, and she ended up catching Alton’s attention.
And that is where HellFire takes off. Alton used a compulsion to send Ginny away from Mt. Shasta to protect her from demonkind. Under his mental suggestion, she goes to visit her cousins who live in Sedona, Arizona, which, of course, is where the demons have now moved their invasion. When Alton realizes how badly he’s screwed up and that Ginny is really in danger now, he heads to Sedona to help her. Only Ginny thinks Alton is one of Eddy’s old college buddies—she has no idea this tall good-looking guy with blond hair to his waist is really a mythical Lemurian warrior—or that he carries a sentient crystal sword, which is the only weapon the demon hunters have that will stop demons.
Ginny’s in for all kinds of surprises—some Alton’s and some of her own. The story was a hoot to write and I think you’ll really enjoy it. And, if you haven’t read DemonFire, this one will still make sense, but reading the first book will make it more fun. And when you finish both DemonFire and HellFire, then pick up a copy of Nocturnal and read Crystal Dreams. I’ve got first chapter excerpts of all three of these books, along with all my Wolf Tales and Sexy Beast stories, AND my Ellora’s Cave and Changeling Press books on my website at www.katedouglas.com. But, if you don’t have time to go to the site, I’ll post an excerpt here, just to give you an idea...Enjoy!
Okay...yeah, sorry! I am losing it. My only excuse is, it’s been a really weird summer, starting with a redeye to NY for BEA shortly after getting home from the Romantic Times conference in Ohio—NY was two days of non-stop book stuff and then a flight home to California at 0-dark-hundred. Then it was back to work on StarFire, the third novel in my DemonSlayers series so I could finish it and start work on Wolf Tales 12, the final book in that series.
And trust me, folks...that was not an easy book to write. My editor generously offered to let me bump it up from 90,000 words to around 115,000, which meant I could expand my original premise for the book, but that’s a lot of book, and with all the new babies to keep track of (face it...that much sex, you’re GONNA get babies!) I had a whopping humongous-size pack of Chanku. And there was a totally unexpected NEW character who popped in which just isn’t supposed to happen when you’re trying to wind up a long series and put an end to things...but I finally finished it over the weekend (and believe me, writing that final scene between Anton and Keisha was NOT easy) and sent it off to my beta readers. If all goes according to plan, it will go in the mail to my editor this week, only about two weeks overdue. (I’m hoping she doesn’t notice how late it is.)
Anyway, between three trips that are more work than they sound like because I live so frickin’ far from the airport that travel TO the airport is shorter than the trip in the air, writing two books (and a novella I forgot to mention that’s a charitable donation for an anthology that Lori Foster organizes every year to raise money for some excellent causes) and putting together proposals for two new series, I’m sorta losing it altogether.
And then, I had an “oh, CRAP” moment when I realized I’ve got two books coming out a week apart—HellFire, the second book in my DemonSlayers series, releases on August 31, and Nocturnal, an anthology I’m in with Jacquelyn Frank, comes out on September 7. My story in the anthology is Crystal Dreams, which is part of the DemonSlayers series, and it’s good. I mean, I really love the way it came out—it was one of those wonderful stories that just popped into my head and practically wrote itself. Wish more of them did that!
But that’s not what I’m blogging about—what I really want to tell you about is HellFire. If you read the first book in the series, DemonFire, you’ll know that the premise of the series is that demons are invading Earth, coming in through the vortex at Mt Shasta in northern California. In the first book, Eddy Marks ends up helping Dax the ex-demon fight demonkind. They enlist the help of Eddy’s dog Bumper, a pit bull/poodle mix, Willow, a tiny little sprite, and Alton the Lemurian, a man from the legendary world of Lemuria that’s believed to exist inside Mt. Shasta. A sort of “innocent bystander” is Eddy’s friend Ginny Jones. Ginny was one of those secondary characters who wouldn’t stay out of the limelight, and she ended up catching Alton’s attention.
And that is where HellFire takes off. Alton used a compulsion to send Ginny away from Mt. Shasta to protect her from demonkind. Under his mental suggestion, she goes to visit her cousins who live in Sedona, Arizona, which, of course, is where the demons have now moved their invasion. When Alton realizes how badly he’s screwed up and that Ginny is really in danger now, he heads to Sedona to help her. Only Ginny thinks Alton is one of Eddy’s old college buddies—she has no idea this tall good-looking guy with blond hair to his waist is really a mythical Lemurian warrior—or that he carries a sentient crystal sword, which is the only weapon the demon hunters have that will stop demons.
Ginny’s in for all kinds of surprises—some Alton’s and some of her own. The story was a hoot to write and I think you’ll really enjoy it. And, if you haven’t read DemonFire, this one will still make sense, but reading the first book will make it more fun. And when you finish both DemonFire and HellFire, then pick up a copy of Nocturnal and read Crystal Dreams. I’ve got first chapter excerpts of all three of these books, along with all my Wolf Tales and Sexy Beast stories, AND my Ellora’s Cave and Changeling Press books on my website at www.katedouglas.com. But, if you don’t have time to go to the site, I’ll post an excerpt here, just to give you an idea...Enjoy!
From HellFire, Book 2 of The DemonSlayers.jpg)
She’d never been kissed quite so thoroughly in her life, never felt her body go soft and pliant so that it fit against a man’s with such perfection. His angles and ridges seemed to correspond perfectly to her curves and valleys. Where she left off, Alton began. When Ginny breathed out, he inhaled. Even their hearts beat in a synchronized rhythm, pounding at breakneck speed, faster and faster, yet keeping perfect pace.
One with the other.
Ginny moaned.
Alton groaned.
She plucked at his shirt. It pulled loose from his jeans and her fingers found warm, living skin beneath. His callused palm slid against her back, skin to skin, leaving a trail of heat and sensation wherever he touched her. His fingers wrapped around her ribs and softly stroked the full side of her breast.
She arched into him, silently begging for more. Her nipples puckered up against the lace of her bra as his fingers glided closer.
A car pulled into the parking lot. Lights flashed over them, dousing Ginny like a bucket of cold water. She ripped her mouth free of Alton’s and backed as far away as his arms allowed, breathing in and out in harsh, explosive breaths.
He leaned his forehead against hers and she felt his laughter before she heard it.
“Nine hells,” he said, gasping for air with each harsh breath. “Nine hells and then some. Woman...what you do to me!”
For the weirdest reason, his curse alone convinced her. No one said nine hells. Not anyone from this world. Still sucking air, she stared at his chest. If she concentrated hard enough, she saw the leather strap that crossed from one shoulder, over his chest, and around his waist on the opposite side.
“Turn around.” Ginny stepped out of his embrace and planted both hands on her hips. Damn it all if he didn’t do as she said. He turned slowly and she saw it then, the tooled-leather scabbard across his back with that damned crystal sword glowing through the design. The jeweled hilt stuck out of the top, glinting silver in the reflected parking lot lights.
“I can see it now.” She walked around him until she stood directly in front of him again and folded her arms across her chest. “I couldn’t see the sword before. Not at all. How come?”
Alton smiled and his green eyes twinkled. “It’s called a glamour, sort of a spell I cast to hide the blade from curious eyes. If you really want to see it, or if you know of the glamour, the sword will be visible only to you. It’s a simple compulsion, one that doesn’t take a lot of energy but it works for most people.”
He shrugged and laughter crinkled the corners of his eyes. “If it’s any consolation, I learned early on that a simple compulsion doesn’t work on you. For some reason, you’re much too powerful. That’s why I had to kiss you the night the demon’s avatar—that bear—attacked you. I tried a simple compulsion to make you forget, but it wouldn’t stick. I finally had to resort to a kiss.”
“That’s the only reason you kissed me? To make me forget?” She ran her tongue over her just-kissed lips, aware of a horrible, hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach.
He at least had the good graces to look embarrassed. “That’s what I told myself, and it did work, at least for a couple of days.” He placed both his hands on her shoulders. His palms rested, warm and solid, against her. “Truth? I was looking for any excuse I could find to kiss you, Ginny. I’m not sure why, but I thought you were absolutely fascinating the first time I saw you, huddled down behind that filthy garbage bin, swinging a piece of scrap lumber at a concrete bear five times your size. Even then I knew you were special.”
“You did?” That was the best she could come up with? Shit.
He grinned. “I did. I still do. I’m so sorry I got you into this mess. I sent you here because I wanted to keep you safe. I never imagined the demons would invade Sedona, but it looks like that’s what’s going on.”
Anyway, that’s just a teaser, and if you want more, the entire first chapter is up on my website at www.katedouglas.com. I told Lizzie I’d love to give away a couple of books this week, so if you leave a comment, you’re in the running for a copy of DemonFire, HellFire or Nocturnal—it’s entirely up to you. And if you’ve got any questions, please ask them and I’ll be popping in to check and answer.
Thanks again, Lizzie!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/katedouglas.authorpage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wolftales
Website: www.katedouglas.com
Watch the video
From HellFire, Book 2 of The DemonSlayers
She’d never been kissed quite so thoroughly in her life, never felt her body go soft and pliant so that it fit against a man’s with such perfection. His angles and ridges seemed to correspond perfectly to her curves and valleys. Where she left off, Alton began. When Ginny breathed out, he inhaled. Even their hearts beat in a synchronized rhythm, pounding at breakneck speed, faster and faster, yet keeping perfect pace.
One with the other.
Ginny moaned.
Alton groaned.
She plucked at his shirt. It pulled loose from his jeans and her fingers found warm, living skin beneath. His callused palm slid against her back, skin to skin, leaving a trail of heat and sensation wherever he touched her. His fingers wrapped around her ribs and softly stroked the full side of her breast.
She arched into him, silently begging for more. Her nipples puckered up against the lace of her bra as his fingers glided closer.
A car pulled into the parking lot. Lights flashed over them, dousing Ginny like a bucket of cold water. She ripped her mouth free of Alton’s and backed as far away as his arms allowed, breathing in and out in harsh, explosive breaths.
He leaned his forehead against hers and she felt his laughter before she heard it.
“Nine hells,” he said, gasping for air with each harsh breath. “Nine hells and then some. Woman...what you do to me!”
For the weirdest reason, his curse alone convinced her. No one said nine hells. Not anyone from this world. Still sucking air, she stared at his chest. If she concentrated hard enough, she saw the leather strap that crossed from one shoulder, over his chest, and around his waist on the opposite side.
“Turn around.” Ginny stepped out of his embrace and planted both hands on her hips. Damn it all if he didn’t do as she said. He turned slowly and she saw it then, the tooled-leather scabbard across his back with that damned crystal sword glowing through the design. The jeweled hilt stuck out of the top, glinting silver in the reflected parking lot lights.
“I can see it now.” She walked around him until she stood directly in front of him again and folded her arms across her chest. “I couldn’t see the sword before. Not at all. How come?”
Alton smiled and his green eyes twinkled. “It’s called a glamour, sort of a spell I cast to hide the blade from curious eyes. If you really want to see it, or if you know of the glamour, the sword will be visible only to you. It’s a simple compulsion, one that doesn’t take a lot of energy but it works for most people.”
He shrugged and laughter crinkled the corners of his eyes. “If it’s any consolation, I learned early on that a simple compulsion doesn’t work on you. For some reason, you’re much too powerful. That’s why I had to kiss you the night the demon’s avatar—that bear—attacked you. I tried a simple compulsion to make you forget, but it wouldn’t stick. I finally had to resort to a kiss.”
“That’s the only reason you kissed me? To make me forget?” She ran her tongue over her just-kissed lips, aware of a horrible, hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach.
He at least had the good graces to look embarrassed. “That’s what I told myself, and it did work, at least for a couple of days.” He placed both his hands on her shoulders. His palms rested, warm and solid, against her. “Truth? I was looking for any excuse I could find to kiss you, Ginny. I’m not sure why, but I thought you were absolutely fascinating the first time I saw you, huddled down behind that filthy garbage bin, swinging a piece of scrap lumber at a concrete bear five times your size. Even then I knew you were special.”
“You did?” That was the best she could come up with? Shit.
He grinned. “I did. I still do. I’m so sorry I got you into this mess. I sent you here because I wanted to keep you safe. I never imagined the demons would invade Sedona, but it looks like that’s what’s going on.”
Anyway, that’s just a teaser, and if you want more, the entire first chapter is up on my website at www.katedouglas.com. I told Lizzie I’d love to give away a couple of books this week, so if you leave a comment, you’re in the running for a copy of DemonFire, HellFire or Nocturnal—it’s entirely up to you. And if you’ve got any questions, please ask them and I’ll be popping in to check and answer.
Thanks again, Lizzie!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/katedouglas.authorpage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wolftales
Website: www.katedouglas.com
Watch the video
Hi Lizzie and Kate !
I'm currently reading DemonFire and I can't finish it fast enough to start HellFire. Congrats on your new release HellFire and for the blog/excerpt. Now I just have to start reading your Wolf Tales series.
Have a great day!
deb ;0)
Hey Kate,
Just wanted to atop by and say Hi. I am almost finished with HellFire and am loving it. There have been some very comical moments in it and the story is really good.
My review will b up Friday, I'll let you know once it's posted.
Hey Deb! Great to see you.
Hi Kate!
I just bought Demonfire a couple of days ago. It is so amazing. I can't wait to start reading Hellfire. Thanks for guest blogging.
Hi Lizzie and Kate,
I can't wait to read HellFire, Kate. I was at the bookstore on Monday and it wasn't out then when I got home realized the release date was the next day. I'll stop again later this week.
Looking forward to the next Wolf Tales book, I won't say the last because I'm really hoping we can get the next generation.
Have a great day.
It's always nice to get a message that you're somewhere giving away books. I can't wait for WT12,but at the same time, I don't want it to get here. I am really excited about your new series and will be sure to treat myself for my birthday on the 12th.
Alright, Kate, it's a good thing I was sitting down b/c I'm suddenly very tired after reading your summer schedule. I'm thinking the only breaks you got was in the afternoons when the office was too hot to write.
Deep breaths and gulping a half cup of coffee, okay I'm better now. I'm really looking forward to reading this series. When you say it was a hoot to write, I know it's gonna fun to read.
Hmmm, oh yeah, I'm commenting. I was suddenly day dreaming about waist length blond hair...
Anyway, congrats on this new series and wishing much success with it!
Deb--ya REALLY gotta read Wolf Tales, but start with the first one!
And I just heard that Amazon.com is giving DemonFire away free for Kindle! That's the first of my DemonSlayers books.
Thanks Heather. So glad you're enjoying it. I have to have humor SOMEWHERE in all my books--but I'm married to a VERY funny man, and we laugh a lot in this house. (In order to stay married to me, a guy HAS to have a sense of humor or I'd make him nuts!)
Hey Lizzie! Thanks for letting me come and play in your sandbox!
Becca, let me know what you think after you finish DemonFire. Do hope you like it.
Good morning, Marie! How's IN PLAIN SIGHT doing? Love the cover on that one. And thank you--I'm still hoping for a second generation series, too...keep fingers crossed.
Happy Birthday (just eleven more days, right?) Crystal! I'm sad about not writing my Wolf Tales characters anymore--I have gotten SO attached to some of them, especially Anton. He can be SUCH a jerk, but as Igmutaka says of him, When he succeeds, he does so with modesty. When he fails, he fails magnificently!
LOL...Sia, my schedule this year has been nuts--even with all that travel I've already written three novels and two novellas, plus the promo for them, and I'm getting ready to start the fourth novel, plus put together two proposals. The idea of an author sitting around all day in jammies is only true because we don't have time to change clothes!
Hi Kate,
In Plain Sight is doing fine, thanks for asking. Roped & Ready just finished edits should have a release date soon.
I'm so excited about WT12 yet so sad, but I have all the WT books so I can always go back and revisit them.
I just went and downloaded a copy of Demonfire on Kindle although I do have a print version - it's always nice to have an e-version for days when I want to read it on the ereader.
I'm looking forward to reading Hellfire - as always your writing is captivating.
I picked it up yesterday and will be reading it next! I loved the first book and can't wait to get started on this one. Keep up the awesome work! Love You Kate! Lizzie you rock!
Marie, I feel the same way--when I need an Anton fix, I'll just dig out the old books...congrats on the next book! Very cool.
Thanks, Anna. I should download one, too, just to see what it's like. I'll need the Kindle app, though. I don't have a Kindle!
Thanks, darkreader--do hope you like it.
Hi lizzie and Kate! your work is awesome both of you! ty for coming today to tell us about ur new release sounds awesoem as always
Thanks, SiNn!
Hi Lizzie, Hi Kate,
I read Demonfire as soon as it was available and read Hellfire as well. Both are awesome and the only sad part was knowing that I have to wait for the next books in the series.
Kate...I couldn't wait to get to work and tell my fellow "Partners in Crime" about the release of HELLFIRE! Surprisingly they didn't already know! I totally sold at least 3 books today because they were trying to decide which store they were going to go to after work to get it and one started searching for it on her KINDLE! We love you Kate!
Susan McClain
Ritarsha--Nocturnal comes out next week and it's got a story in it called Crystal Dreams that's part of the series.
Susan, m'love...I'm gonna have to put you on the payroll!!! Thank you!
Wow, just reading about your summer exhausted me. I'll have to read some Anton-containing literature to perk me up again! Congrats on all the new releases!
Hi Kate.you are new to me so glad I have come across this and hope to stay in touch. Your books looks great and they are now on my to get list. susan L.
Kate...You know I'm only here to win a book;)
What's in the works with the same heat level as Wolf Tales?
Lizzie...I only have an ebook listed for you on my TBB. I was waiting for a print book. Has that happened yet?
Thanks to all for participating. Kate will announce the winners later today...she is in CA and not up and about yet!
Nancy, I do have a couple of books available in POD print at Amazon.com. The first 2 novellas in the DEAD series from AMP are under DEAD Done Right and another with RRP under Dogspell. Hope that helps.
Lizzie's just sent the names of the winners to me--congratulations go to SINn and Darkreader! Please contact me at kate@katedouglas.com with your mailing address and the book you want me to send to you.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by (and yes, we caught those who went to Lizzie's announcement post to sign, too) and many thanks to Lizzie for inviting me to come and play with her blog!
How funny...my word verification is OUNTH...sort of like ounce with a lisp!
Thank you for spending time with us Kate! Enjoyed all your comments as well as your blog.
Congrats on your new releases, Kate! Just bought Demonfire myself and can't wait for it to show up in my mailbox. Love your trailer for Hellfire too.
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