Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Share: HODRW Mini-Con

What a great mini-con this year! If you haven't heard Hallie Ephron speak you've missed out on an entertaining and educational presentation. Learned things as well as laughed a lot. What more can one ask for!!!
Hallie is the beautiful lady sitting in front of me. Next to her is Valerie Mann. Standing behind Val is Nicole and the blonde beside Nicole is Libby Murphy.
On a personal note, guest agent, Nicole Resciniti is interested in the new genres I pitched to her. She probably thinks I'm a ditz since I'd didn't have plans to pitch but one of my friends kept bugging me to go forward and get some feedback. Now I'm in 'get your butt in gear and write' mode since I said one of the WIPs first draft will be completed by the end of this year. Nicole wants me to keep her up to date... Nothing like a little pressure with a deadline!

Here are a couple of shots of the conference of contest finalists & winners who were present!

As for me, I'm all ready looking forward to next year!!

Do you have a favorite conference you like to attend?

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