I'm delighted that Daniel, King of the Vampires
in the DEAD series agreed to stop by today. It isn’t often one gets to sit
across from a vampire, let alone royalty.
Interviewer: Your Majesty, thank you for joining us today. It is really kind of you to take time from
you busy schedule.
Thank you for asking me. Yes, things do get a little hectic,
especially when my lovely wife, BJ and her friend Dovey are out trying to
rescue the world. Then add in all the
beings who want to control everything and everyone, a ruler has to stay on his
Interviewer: I’m sure you do. Would you mind sharing a little about how you
became a vampire and also, the ruler of their world?
Daniel: (Big
Interviewer: Oh, dear.
You must get asked that often if it bores you.
Daniel: (waves hand dismissively) I’ve had to explain
this lots times and all the information is in the books, but since you’re so
nice, I’ll give you a brief summary, A foolish shortcut through the woodlands
of my native England better than a thousand years ago turned me into the male
in front of you now. As for the king
situation, that came about recently when one of the mistresses of our former
ruler became a little too possessive. If
she couldn’t have him all to herself, then no one could have him and she
removed his head from his body.
Unbeknownst to me, he’d named me his successor.
Interviewer: Really!
You had no idea.”
Daniel: (Raises his eyebrows and glares.) Isn’t that what I just said?
Interviewer: Okay, then.
Well, I know you are the mentor for Aaron, the one who created Dovey.
Daniel: Yes, Aaron is like a son to me. Being new to the vampire world and overcome
with passion he made a mistake. Have you
read that book? Dovey is a handful. She drives me crazy at times. (Daniel’s lips twitch in what could be a
smile) But she is a very determined female and I have to admire that in her,
even if I don’t tell her.
Interviewer: And your wife? I understand Dovey created her which makes
her a very young vampire. Why did you
decide to marry after such a long time and why did you select someone so new to
the vampire way of life?
My, you are full of questions, aren’t you? Yes, my wife, BJ is Dovey’s creation. Obviously you haven’t met her or you’d
understand why she’s the one woman I couldn’t resist committing to. She’s beautiful, very intelligent and
possibly even more frustrating than Dovey.
She’s very determined, but at least she’s cleaned up her slang and I can
understand what she says now. She’s
southern, you know, and they can use words that leave one lost on the
Interviewer: (Laughs)
So, you like women who challenge you?
(Glances at his watch) Yes, I do. And I have to admit this interview isn’t
challenging me, and as nice as you are, I have other matters I need to address.
Interviewer: (Feels a little hurt) Okay. Thank you for your time. Wait, where did he
go? I wanted to ask him how he helped Santa out?
MUSA Publishing
Word Count: 40000
Author: Lizzie T Leaf
Word Count: 40000
Author: Lizzie T Leaf
ISBN: 978-1-61937-355-6
Waking up to discover you're a vampire
then fanting at the sight of your number one food source isn't healthy.
Billie Joyce’s dream visit to New York City turned
into a nightmare. Now not only is she one of the living dead, but she has to
contend with a know-it-all vampire who wants to tell her how to talk. Not gonna
“There’s no blood in your line of sight at the
moment so you can open your eyes.” Daniel’s voice had an edge to it as he
resumed his position beside Aaron. “How long has this been a problem?”
“Since I was a little girl. As far back as I can
remember, even a little pinprick would knock me out deader than a door nail.”
Daniel shook his head in confusion. “Deader than a
“I think she means out cold.” Aaron translated as he
came up behind Dovey and began to massage her shoulders.
that feels good.
Dovey leaned back against him as his magic fingers
continued to work the knots away. She hadn’t realized how tense this situation
had made her.
“Why didn’t she say so?” Daniel demanded in a
petulant tone. “If she would speak English we could understand her.”
“Now you listen here, Mister Smarty Britches,” Dovey
noticed Billie Joyce didn’t seem concerned about modesty when her temper
flared. She leaned forward to glare at Daniel. “You can’t even get a girl’s
name right.”
“If the girl would pick one name to use, that
wouldn’t be an issue.” Daniel stepped closer to the bed. “Would it?”
“Enough, you two.” Dovey moved to position herself
between them. “You can argue over who calls who what later. Right now, we need
to come up with a plan to get sustenance into Billie Joyce. She’s going to
weaken if she doesn’t feed and I don’t intend to lose my first creation because
she’s anorexic.”
Daniel glared over Dovey’s shoulder. “Fine. Aaron
and I will go get a couple of thick steaks. Rare meat will tide her over while
we work on another plan.”
“I eat my meat well done, thank you.” Billie Joyce
wrapped the sheet around her again and stuck her nose in the air.
“As in shoe leather. Maybe we should raid Dovey’s
closet instead.”
it to Daniel to be a smart ass. Maybe my
foot up his behind would show him real shoe leather.
“Well, I never!” Billie Joyce swung her feet over
the edge of the bed and stared at Dovey. “Sugar, are you going to let him talk
to me like that?”
“Daniel, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say
anything at all.”
my head hurts and I need to eat again.
The scent wafting from the half-empty bottle of
blood across the room was driving her crazy. “We have a situation here and your
assistance would be helpful.”
When had Daniel become so temperamental? Haughty, cold and withdrawn she was used to.
This sniping childishness was a new side of the Ancient One. She’d never seen
him lose his cool before.
All the books in the DEAD series are also available at Amazon Kindle,
Barnes & Noble Nook and All Romance eBooks shortly after the Musa release.
DEAD Santa releases 11/29...Santa's latest Christmas Eve deliveries earns him a gift, and one he's not too happy to have received. Can the Vampire King help him or have things gone too far.
with Lizzie at:
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In was a pleasure meeting 'The King' of vampires. I'm intrigued to know more about his life and his 'southern' wife.
Thanks for taking the time to answer Lizzie's questions, Daniel. I don't like to repeat myself either, so I completely understand. But you were very patient none-the-less. I'm sure Lizzie appreciates it. #:0)
Daniel sure has the stuff kings are made of. LOL Now I want to read what he did for Santa!
Thank Daniel for his gracious interview Lizzie. I think he's got a bit of a soft centre under that lofty exterior.
Dead Santa - love the title.
Hey, Karen Michelle Nutt...you are the winner of a PDF of DEAD Awake...email me at lizzietlead(at)Comcast.net
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