Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Musing -- An Award for Beyond Magic

What a great start to the week.  My husband is doing Very well in his recovery and I'm still happy dancing over the another first place for one of my books.  I'm delighted to share Beyond Magic received first place for the Paranormal/Fantasy/Sy-Fi catgeory in the Award of Excellence on Saturday.  Yes, it did catch me suprise.  And double yes on my looking tired in the picture I'm sharing with you here.  Even delightful news can't take away the exhausted appearance generated from a stressful week...but it helps internal feelings!

Thank you Colorado Romance Writers for the this honor!

 Beyond Magic
by Lizzie T. Leaf
Published by Passion in Print Press
Availabe in Print & eBook

Following the Powers directive to unite soul mates, a Scottish Cailleach's magic will have repercussions in several realms.

Mixed-blood Ian McCabe, grandson of Fae and gods tries to deny his powers.When he discovers mortal, Emma Grant unconscious at the bottom of the steps to his castle, his world starts to change.

Tour director Emma Grant's bus breaks down and her effort to find help results in a fall that knocks her unconscious.She awakens to find the man of her dreams staring into her eyes.

But will his secrets and her distrust of men tear them apart?

A couple of buy Links:

Also available at Barnes & Noble, Fictionwise & All Romance Cafe.

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